Mobile Crushing
Every community large or small requires quarry products to exist and develop. With the cost of these products doubling for every 30km transported from the source there is a need to take the processing plant to the rock around Otago’s rural communities.
This is where Blackhead Quarries Ltd mobiles excel providing aggregate for:
- gravel roads
- new houses/sheds
- sealing roads
- maintenance of infrastructure
All require aggregates.
Blackhead Quarries Mobile crushing operate a number of different plants to produce a variety of products from a large number of remote sites around Coastal Otago.
The nature of the plants however does not restrict the operation of them and they are able to be transported to almost anywhere.
All plant is operated by skilled, trained and experienced staff well versed in the use of mobile plant.
Nordberg LT1213 Hammer crusher
This machine is the latest crushing technology worldwide and was the first of its type in New Zealand.
The plant is accompanied by a 24tn wheel loader and a 30tn excavator. These three machines work in unison to produce road base material from AP65 down to AP20 and, depending on the quality of the raw feed, M4 products can also be produced. This machine works very well in hard rock quarries such as the numerous basalt and greywacke sites found throughout Otago as well as alluvial deposits.
Nordberg Jaw, Kumbee Mill and screen
This is usually accompanied by a 24tn wheel loader. This unit makes a variety of products from road base to chips (AP150 – AP20, M4 products, screening and washing sealing chips, concrete aggregates, sand and dust). It is particularly effective in processing river gravels and with the largest mobile jaw in the South Island it can handle difficult rock feed material. Parts of this plant can also work in conjunction with the LT1213 crusher.
Locotrack ST272 mobile screen
This unit usually works in conjunction with a 30tn excavator and or a 24tn wheel loader and can be used to produce a variety of screened products. Depending on the raw feed source it can for example remove larger size AP150 and above material for use as walling stone/gabion whilst leaving the balance to be used as feed material for crushing, this is usually at hard rock sites. Conversely it can screen 30mm and above to produce maintenance material for roading and farm tracks, this is usually from river gravel sites. This machine is capable of screening three different grades at a time.
We have a number of sites at which a range of road base material stocks are kept, these include:
- Doherty’s at Lee Flat - AP M4 products from 65 – 20mm
- Elliot’s at Middlemarch - AP30 maintenance metal
- Castle Hill at Pukerangi - AP30 maintenance metal
- Island Block at Millers Flat - AP & M4 products from 65 – 30mm
- Marshall’s at Waihola - AP & M4 products from 65 – 30mm
- Milton BC at Milton - AP products 65 – 30mm.
- Ram Rock at Nenthorn - AP products 65 – 30mm
- Warnock Rd at Owaka - AP & M4 products from 65 – 30mm
- Omarama at Prohibition Rd - AP & M4 products from 65 – 30mm Sealing Chips, sand, dust and concrete aggregates.
- We are also available to produce your requirements at your place.